Find out why we chose to spotlight Suzette by reading her answers to our four questions for Fondren Fitness members!
Suzette just graduated from Ole Miss Law and will be working in Jackson after she takes the bar in February! She is originally from Denver, CO, but she moved to Mississippi when she got her undergraduate degree from USM.
1. Why did you choose Fondren Fitness as your workout home?
So many reasons!! The location, the equipment, the atmosphere, and the staff! I love that Fondren supports every level of fitness without neglecting traditional bodybuilding equipment.
2. Describe your typical workout at Fondren Fitness.
My typical workout always begins with an elevated incline walk at a moderate speed to get a good sweat going. I use more of a bodybuilding type of workout, so I will foam roll and stretch and then do 3-5 supersets of compound exercises! I love the hack squat machine, shoulder presses, and deadlifts!
3. How do you motivate yourself on days you don’t feel like exercising?
On days I don’t feel motivated, I rely more on discipline. I make it less of an option and treat it as if it is something else I am supposed to do each day, like brushing my teeth or going to work. Above all, I always remind myself that exercising is a privilege (especially this year–so many are still without gym access!) and a functioning body is such a blessing.
4. What do you wish other people knew about Fondren Fitness?
I wish other people knew how wonderful the community is here. I have thrown so many fitness goals and aspirations out to people in the gym, and every time I am met with enthusiasm and support. It makes me excited to go and see my fit fam!!