Member Spotlight: Rachel Misenar

Photo courtesy of Rachel Misenar

Find out why we chose to spotlight Rachel by reading her answers to our four questions for Fondren Fitness members!

Why did you choose Fondren Fitness as your workout home?

With three children and a husband that travels, I needed a gym that could work around my busy and sometimes chaotic schedule. Plus, I wanted something near my Belhaven home. Fondren Fitness was a perfect fit for me! I have known some of the owners and the General Manager for years, so I was happy to support a local business.

2. Describe your typical workout at Fondren Fitness. 

I workout five days a week in the mornings. My favorite group session is Henry’s HIIT class and I also do personal training with him. I have completely fallen in love with kickboxing and I look forward to the circuits in the HIIT class. I never get bored; plus, I feel strong. Kickboxing has made me feel more powerful and in control. It relieves stress too!

3. How do you motivate yourself on days you don’t feel like exercising?

This one is easy: my children. I want to be around for a long time to watch them grow and love life, and I want to be a mom that can always keep up and be active. I strive to set an example for them on how to be healthy…no matter your age. Plus, when I work out, I feel better. I remind myself of that “natural high” when I am feeling lazy. The gym is my “me” time.

4. What do you wish other people knew about Fondren Fitness?

It’s affordable. The staff is super nice and knowledgeable. The trainers are top notch. They will even email you workouts on days you don’t meet with them. The classes are great. The equipment is top of the line. And it is next door to a fabulous juice bar. You can’t go wrong!!!!