Member Spotlight: Adrianne Turner

Photo courtesy of Adrianne Turner

Find out why we chose to spotlight Adrianne by reading her answers to our four questions for Fondren Fitness members!

1. Why did you choose Fondren Fitness as your workout home?

FF is not only in my neighborhood, it is also on my way home from work. Both of these reasons make for a very convenient location. Additionally, FF offers classes plus personal training (PT) and both are very important to me so that I can get a wide range of training/exercise. Lastly, I really like the staff, trainers, and teachers, and feel they are all committed to providing the best possible service and helping clients meet their fitness goals.     

2. Describe your typical workout at Fondren Fitness.

I typically try to work out about four days per week, and, for now, I do PT two days and kickboxing and hip hop aerobics two days. The good thing about FF is that there is a variety of classes, and you can experiment to see what works for you. I’m still getting acclimated to the classes, but I really enjoy what I’m taking at this point. Personal training allows me to learn how to train/use the gym equipment without the stress of having to figure it out on my own. This works well for me and also the schedule can be as fluid as it needs to be to accommodate changes.    

3. How do you motivate yourself on days you don’t feel like exercising?

I remind myself that I am on a mission to get fit, get in shape, and lose weight.

4. What do you wish other people knew about Fondren Fitness?

Between the classes, PT, equipment, and services, there is something for everyone. Also, everyone is so pleasant and helpful, it is hard to be intimidated just because you may not be up to speed in the beginning.  
