Dear Fondren Fitness Community,
We would like to give you an update as well as guidance as to how we are addressing the ever-changing situation surrounding the COVID-19 coronavirus. We understand the magnitude of this virus and value the safety and health of both our members and employees.
Currently, we are monitoring all information coming in from reliable sources and making decisions accordingly.
We have decided to shorten our hours in order to make sure we are able to thoroughly clean the gym while it is fully empty. Starting Tuesday (3/17) we will be opening at 4:30am and closing at 10pm. Between the hours of 10pm and 4:30am the doors will be locked, and the key tag scan disabled at the front door. We hope this does not cause any inconvenience but we are doing it in the best interest of all of our members and staff.
In addition, we are asking that any “high risk” members please stay home for a few days until we can see how this unfolds. We value the health and wellness of our members above anything and we appreciate you working with us during this ever evolving situation.
As of now, we as a company are implementing the following:
- We are limiting group classes to 10 participants plus an instructor to allow for the 6-foot rule of social distancing.
- We are mandating that all employees stay home if they are feeling ill and we ask the same of members as well.
- We are putting into place stringent cleaning measures on all surfaces that come into repetitive contact such as handles, dumbbells, barbells, mats, etc.
- We are staying in constant contact with our vendors, Cintas and L&P Janitorial Service, regarding the availability of cleaning solutions and paper products, in order to be aware of any future shortages. As of now, we are being assured that we are in great shape.
- Most importantly, we are listening to you and the authorities around us to make sure we are being a responsible and proactive member of our community during these troubled times. Hang in there with us, and we will be sure to be there for you once we get through this situation.
In addition, we are asking that you – our members – do the following to ensure a safe environment:
- Stay home if you are not feeling well or are exhibiting any of the following symptoms: coughing, chills, fever, shortness of breath or body aches.
- If you are returning from international travel or an area that has a high occurrence of COVID-19, please self-quarantine for at least 14 days.
- Wash your hands often with warm water and soap for at least 20 seconds on a regular basis, especially after using the bathroom, before eating, and after coughing/blowing your nose/sneezing.
- Avoid touching your face at all times.
- Thoroughly clean all surfaces in the gym before and after each use – if you notice that any of our cleaning stations are out of paper or disinfectant, please alert an employee immediately.
Thank you for your cooperation and please email me directly with any suggestions or concerns at tsullivan@fondrenfitness.com.