Fondren Fitness has now been open for over six months (Yayyy!!!) and to say we love our members would be the understatement of 2020. From day one we have recognized how lucky we are to get to serve this community and the people that call Fondren Fitness their neighborhood gym – we couldn’t be prouder of our members. As we grow, we also face the need to manage behavior in the gym space to make sure we are maintaining a friendly and safe environment for all members. Here are six rules to follow to make sure you are displaying proper gym etiquette:
- Replace equipment to its proper place after each use – replacing dumbbells, plates and any other equipment after each use is not only courteous to other members and employees, but it also helps reduce the risk for an accident due to tripping.
- Always ask – before you start using a bench or machine, survey to make sure someone else is not in the queue to use it first. If in question, always politely ask before you take position.
- Be aware of your surroundings – we live in the age of the iPhone, and 90% of members using the gym at any given time are plugged into their phones and have their phones nearby. With this in mind, it is very important to make sure you are paying attention to your surroundings as you move throughout the gym to avoid injuring yourself or another member.
- Don’t camp out at a piece of equipment – It is fine to sit at a piece of equipment to rest a few minutes before your next set. It is NOT ok to sit at a piece of equipment and scroll through Instagram for five minutes while others are waiting on you to use the equipment. Be mindful of how busy the gym is and try to cycle through your workout as effectively as possible without hindering others.
- Clean equipment after each use – In order to prevent the spread of illness and infection, it is important to wipe down surface areas and handles of equipment after each use.
- Bring a towel – it is always a good idea to bring your own towel to the gym in order to wipe sweat off of your body as well as equipment. We gladly provide paper towels and disinfectant spray but a personal cloth towel is best for keeping sweat off the equipment.
Follow these simple rules on each and every visit to ensure an enjoyable experience for all members. Thanks for your cooperation!